Wednesday, June 17, 2009 Announces New Author has partnered with a new author to develop and peform audio conferences.

About the Author

Michelle R. Baitey, CPC, CPC-H, CPC-P, CPC-I, is the president and CEO of Professional Coding Solutions, Inc. She actively serves physician clinics as a consultant, coder, chart auditor and trainer, and has a confident reputation as a competent trouble-shooter. Michelle is passionate about identifying internal issues, properly handling them and getting clients back into a place of compliance. Her mission to help others reach this status of qualified excellence shines in her role as teacher and mentor—for both coding students and professionals alike—in a variety of venues including classes, workshops, seminars, on-site training and individual instruction. Michelle has served the healthcare industry for over fifteen years, eight of which has been as a certified coder (CPC—Certified Professional Coder) through the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC). She is certified for both the hospital (CPC-H) and payer (CPC-P) designations. She is also an Approved Instructor (CPC-I) for the Professional Medical Coding Curriculum. Michelle is the founder and current president of the local Fremont, Nebraska AAPC Chapter.

Scheduled Audio Conferences:

CERT Audits; what is Medicare looking for?Approved by the AAPC for 1.5 CEUs
Live Conference July 15th, 3:00 PM Eastern Time

The Auditing breakdown, finding the right codeApproved by the AAPC for 1.5 CEUs
Live Conference July 30th, 3:00 PM Eastern Time

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